Thursday, October 7, 2010

Invisible Line

The one that you cross
or that crosses you
leading to situations you didn't want to be in
or did but didn't know it
but anyway you are there
where prayers are silent
heartbeats last for hours
silence roars like a red river
questions stick in your throat
voices flash like lightning bolts
echoes thunder in your head
Why am I here?

That Wonderful Yesterday

October 6, 2010, 10:06am and 3:27pm

Feel yesterday in today

Arms hugging curves and muscles

Demands melt away

M&Ms in the heat of us

Sweet kisses flutter from our eyes

Sparking the air between

Attracting breath bound in love

Looming ventures in time

You looked at me without me knowing

I loved you without you looking

Steps crossed over and over in an endless search

Until one yesterday

The air was wet

The leaves crunched

Our breath was deep

We met

We passed each other

We circled looking back

Hoping to pass closer next time

Each time

Pushing others out of the way

Until all left was just us

That wonderful yesterday

Under a dark sky

Filled with stars

Night hawks singing

We kissed

Feeling today in yesterday

Jelly in space

Sometimes the light in places with no windows can be truly amazing especially as strange beings without bones fly in and out of invisibility, light winking them in and then out of existence in the blink of an eye. The creature, gone like a sun setting, is remembered only here in this space, flying through eternity in an instant.