Saturday, August 18, 2007

the Ocean

i cannot see the end of you
maybe the beginning
but there are so many
i know only this one
here at my fingertips
nails filled with sand
each grain different
than the others
dripping from my grasp
as i carry each back to its start
and run laughing from you
to start again and again
never in vain
never in stress
never getting very far
none the less
yet i would labor all day
just for the joy of being near you


jugglingpaynes said...

Wait. Wait.
I think I see the end.

I'm so glad you joined mom and me in the blogosphere. I see lots of poems and photos...


Inner Elder said...

Beautiful, Lisa. Absolutely a joy to see your pictures and poem together. It works! Aidan has gotten so blonde. What a cutie!

I love your blob setup. Have fun blogging. I will have to have Tina help me link your blog to my spot.

Love, Mom

Late Bloomer said...

Thank you for including me Lisa and staying in touch. This is beautiful - motherhood is beautiful.

Love, Lynn